Our free workshops are aimed at all members of the Graduate Academy Leipzig. We offer you the opportunity to strengthen the skill sets you need as an early career researcher in a differentiated and tailored way and to actively plan the next steps on your career path.

Change in the conditions of participation for the skills development programme

Since the winter semester 2023/24, participation in the skills development programme will only be possible for members of the Graduate Academy Leipzig.

Become a member now


  • Online registration opens at 9am six weeks before each workshop takes place.
  • You can register for up to three workshops of your choice, and you will then receive an automatic confirmation email. The confirmation email does not yet guarantee you a place.
  • You will receive a confirmation of participation one to two weeks before the workshop. This confirmation of participation guarantees your place, and your registration is then binding. If the event is full, you will receive a message to that regard and will be placed on the waiting list.

Please also note our further information and conditions of participation, which you agree to when registering.

What should you do if you end up not being able to participate in a workshop? Please let us know by email or telephone at least one week before the start of the workshop! This way we can give the place to someone on the waiting list.


  • We will send an official confirmation of participation approximately two weeks before the event date. The registration is then considered binding.
  • Cancellations are possible up to one week before the event by e-mail.
  • In the event of repeated cancellations or unannounced absences, the participant will be excluded from the qualification programme for the current annual programme.
  • A certificate of attendance will be issued for participation in an event if the participant was present for at least 90 % of the time.
  • Participation in online workshops requires a quiet workplace and functioning technical equipment (camera and microphone).
  • For participation in an online course, your e-mail address will be passed on to the lecturer.

Our programme is aimed at all members of the Graduate Academy Leipzig. All doctoral researchers and early postdocs at Leipzig University can register as members under certain conditions and take advantage of a variety of other offers and services in addition to the skills development programme. Doctoral researchers and postdoc from our arqus partner universities are kindly invited to register for our online courses. 

The Graduate Academy Leipzig pays the participation fees for all members.

Unless otherwise stated, all workshops are held in the Graduate Academy Leipzig’s seminar rooms at Villa Tillmanns (Wächterstraße 30, Ground Floor).

Location and Directions

Just as with face-to-face events, we also expect you to make a binding registration for our online workshops. After successful registration you will receive the access data for the online workshop. If, contrary to expectations, you are unable to attend an event, please let us know.

If you register for an event that has already reached the maximum number of participants, you will be placed on a waiting list. Those at the top of the waiting list will receive a “Take your chance!” email a few days before the workshop. The email gives them the opportunity to come to Villa Tillmanns right before the event starts. If there is room, they will be allowed to participate.

After a workshop, we award certificates of participation and ECTS credits. According to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, 1 ECTS credit corresponds to 25 to 30 hours of working time. This includes class time as well as the time needed to prepare for and follow up on lectures. In the case of doctoral researchers, the faculties decide themselves whether or not to recognize the ECTS credits in the doctoral procedure.

The workshops are held in the same language as their title and description.

In cooperation with the Department of Equality, Diversity and Family Affairs at the University, we offer our members free on-site childcare during the workshops. When you register, simply let us know if you need childcare, along with the age of the child. Later requests must be made at least two weeks prior to the workshop.

To offer childcare, we work together with the childcare referral agency Mittagskind. All caregivers have childcare training and hold an emergency card (Nothilfepass) and a certificate of conduct (polizeiliches Führungszeugnis).

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